Category : AI Based Psychometric Evaluation

Discover Your Engineering Fit

Start Date : March 15, 2024
Course Duration : 20 Minutes
Course Type : Self paced
Course Validity : 7 days


The test maps your natural talents & personality/alignment to seven crucial factors (analytical capabilities, critical thinking, innovation, mathematical ability, problem solving, reasoning) vital for engineering excellence.

20-min online AI Based Psychometric test + Get a detailed personalized report.

Discover Your Engineering Fit

Why this assessment?

Often, students find themselves in engineering colleges for reasons like societal pressure, parental influence, or insufficient guidance. Making the wrong choice at this crucial juncture can have long-lasting effects. Understanding our alignment can empower us to make informed decisions about pursuing engineering and gain valuable insights to navigate this path effectively.

The test aids aspiring engineers in uncovering their alignment and evaluating their proficiency across seven core strengths essential for excelling in engineering.

Who will benefit?

•Parents who are guiding their children on engineering choice
•Students in 11th and 12th standard.
•Students aspiring for engineering study.
•Academic counsellors to offer tailored guidance to students.

What you get?

•Your fitment to engineering across five bands ranging from top match to no match.
•Your proficiency in the seven assessment factors.
•Personalized analysis and recommendations that can help you.

98%participants say it helps in their decision making.

100%participants appreciated the details, rationale and fitment.

Disclaimer: Like every other tests, psychometric tests carry margin of error. We ask you to consider the outcome as one of the inputs to your decision-making process. Relying solely on one method carries limitations. Therefore, combining its results with other similar guidance, tests, and assessments can offer a more comprehensive view to inform your decision-making process effectively.

Discover Your Engineering Fit

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Discover your engg fit